Friday, February 13, 2009

A Horror-fying tale


Stine, R. L. Dangerous Girls. New York: Avon Books, 2003.


Twin sisters are trying to escape the reality that their Mom killed herself a year ago, by spending the summer at camp. They escape their reality only to find a world of darkness and hunger they do not want to be a part of. Can they make it out alive, or will they continue to live their lives as Dangerous Girls?


Horror is not my genre, but since it is so popular these days, I wanted to give it a try. This book is a quick, entertaining read. The story is fast paced and the characters are well developed. For a veteran horror reader, the plot may be a little light on the terror factor. I recommend this book for anyone easing into the horror genre that isn’t looking to be too scared to fall asleep alone at night.

Genre: Horror

(Image credit:

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