Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Royal saga


Yolen, Jane and Robert J. Harris. Queen’s Own Fool. New York: Speak, 2000.


A Junior Library Guild Selection

Capitol Choices – Noteworthy Books for Children 2000 list

A Wyoming Soaring Eagle nominee

A 2001 YALSA Best Book choice


Nicola is an unlikely person to be one of Mary Queen of Scots’ closest friends since she is an orphaned 12 year old from a family of peasants. However, she possesses more than the ability to create a friendship crossing all class barriers because she has what it takes to be the Queen’s Own fool.


If you are interested in or fascinated by the historical events of the European royal families, this will be an excellent read for you. The story focuses on Queen Mary of Scotland; however, she began her royal career as the Queen of France. This book is written in descriptive language that transcends the centuries separating the time of the actual events, and the present time. It has a fast paced plot with entertaining characters as well as almost unbelievable events.

Genre: Historical Fiction

(Image credit:

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