Sunday, February 8, 2009

A view of WWII


Lowry, Lois. Number the Stars. New York: Laurel-Leaf Newberry, 1989.


Newberry Medal winner 1990


Annemarie is not a Jew, therefore in her mind she has nothing to fear… until her best friend Ellen’s family is under inspection by the Nazi police occupying their neighborhood in Copenhagen, Denmark.


Would you put your life on the line to help a friend? Seriously? That’s what I loved about this story. It is the story of the holocaust through the eyes of a girl who is safe simply because she is not Jewish. This thought provoking novel asks each reader to really ponder what length one would be willing to go to in order to help those in need of it at the most desperate time. I also liked Number the Stars because it illustrates the strength and triumphant nature of humanity in the face of total despair.

Genre: Historical Fiction

(Image credit:

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